I loved my retro couch to pieces, but when your heavily pregnant and looking toward a future of being a couch bound stay at home cow then priorities change. The retro couch was particularly uncomfy, and our new corner couch... A.MA.ZING!
You like? Yes, Yes you do...
What's that beautiful ottoman/coffee tabley business in the middle?
WELL, good story... it didn't come with the couch.... it came from a run down second hand store which may as well have been free in its original life as it looked like this:
So i stripped its horrid 70's clothes off
And made a new upholstered cover for it from the same material we got the couch made in.
I then fossicked in my collection of wood all stored for a rainy day. I had a stash of walnut perfect for a nice solid wood inset table top to replace the horrid veneered original pictured above. So off Gaz went to work with the wood to convince some poor work mate to machine it up and laminate it ready for our ottoman. He did an awesome job and good old mates rates only cost $20! Gaz then spray finished it with a million coats of marine grade matt poly which look awesome and will last forever!
So here she is, think we did a good job for $60!